Monday, March 22, 2010

Weblog 6

I think that students are definitely ignored as far as the learning process goes. I think that in elementary school if students were asked more about what they would find helpful in learning, it would make them better students. For example if you were to ask a 4th grader what kind of way he found learning long division most helpful, then he would retain more information. In high school if students were allowed to help more in the learning process it would be a more positive environment, and students would be more compelled to come to class. So many classes in high school just consists of taking notes and listening to the teacher, and for a lot of kids that doesn't really help. I sometimes felt that I wasn't really learning anything in school and I think that it is very vital to let students help in the class preparation. What I will do when I am a teacher is ask that kids ways that they find helpful when learning, maybe I would even pass out surveys. I never liked math very much, but if I had been allowed more say in how I learned it, I may have enjoyed it more, for example I think that I may have understood math better if I had more one on one attention, I would benefit from English classes with more class discussions, history class with movies interrogated into the lesson, science classes with more labs, etc. If every student was able to tell the schools what would help them more, we would be on the way to better and more productive learning. Students are so important to schools and how schools are seen in the eyes of the public, but if they are not really involved in what they learn, how can we expect them to want to learn?

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